Since we started in 1974, our research has spanned the breadth of social care policy and practice. As well as impact in this area, our researchers have made significant impacts on health and mental health research, policy and practice. Here are just some of those achievements...
Financing long-term care
Raphael Wittenberg describes how PSSRU’s research on financing long-term care for older people in England has made a major contribution to the policy debate on funding care. Read on

PSSRU at Manchester
Professor David Challis describes how Manchester PSSRU established itself and carved out a distinct role within the PSSRU triumvirate. Read on

Dementia care
Professor Martin Knapp explains PSSRU’s role over the past decade in helping to put dementia care policy in the spotlight. Read on
Highlights from our 40 years

Unit costs
Professor Ann Netten explains her long involvement in PSSRU’s popular annual Unit Costs of Health and Social Care volumes, which have been published every year since 1993. Read on
Production of welfare
Dr José-Luis Fernández describes his first large project after joining PSSRU investigating how community services affect the well-being of older people and their carers. Read on
Hospital closures
Professor Knapp explains how PSSRU first became involved in the area of mental health through its evaluations of the economic impact of closing old-style long-stay hospitals and asylums. Read on
Professor Netten explains her long involvement with the development of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT) and its impact on policy, service delivery and research. Read on
Case management
Professor Challis describes his pioneering work extending the implementation of case management following the original Kent Community Care Project. Read on

Economics of mental health
David McDaid explains how PSSRU has helped to raise the profile in England and across Europe of the economic impact of mental illness and the potential financial benefits of promotion and prevention interventions. Read on
Dr José-Luis Fernández talks about the International Long-term care Policy Network (ILPN), which he co-founded in 2010. Read on
Wanless review
Professor Jules Forder explains how the Wanless Social Care Review set the stage for renewed debate on the long-term care funding system in England and set in train a process of reform that continues today. Read on

Personal health budgets
Professor Forder explains the 2012 PSSRU-led evaluation of the impact and cost-effectiveness of personal health budgets and how its findings endorsed a radical policy move to give some chronic care patients control of a budget to meet identified health care and well-being needs. Read on