Seeing The Boss eat an apple and discussing Welsh memories with him. Meeting Martin, Anne, Jenni and Steve. Also fond memories of Allen Stewart.
PSSRU has enabled me to work on a wide range of policy-relevant projects with many different and stimulating colleagues
I've only been here for 3 of those 40 years – it's impressive seeing the work of the Centre being featured so prominently in the mainstream media.
Experiences and memories
We asked colleagues to share their fondest memories and tell us about their experiences within PSSRU (in 140 characters …)

All of the 5 years I worked for PSSRU Manchester. Good times for me professionally.

Meeting so many wonderful people. Most of my closest and most loyal friends were made during my short time at the Unit. I have too many memories of the camaraderie to recount here. I have many memories of events that will stay with me forever. Looking back it is hard to believe that it all unfolded in just a little more than 3 years and that it all happened 15 years ago.
Karen Jones dressing up as a rabbit to raise money for charity; meeting PSSRU colleagues from other sites at the last unit away day – all very friendly and engaging.
I have been continually impressed by the quality of research undertaken and output from our Unit. I am proud to be part of PSSRU.
Meeting the full team for the first time at a Unit lunch and being instantly put at my ease by the warm welcome from everyone.
Seeing Jose Luis and Bleddyn present together at a British Society of Gerontology conference. Can't remember much else except their commitment and enthusiasm for sharing complexities of marginal productivities.

Working with a great team on excellent research.
Excellent place to start my research career, support from colleagues made me feel welcome and valued.
Spotting the job advert for my current post in The Guardian many years ago, which contained all the things I was then seeking in a research post. Following this up was one of the best decisions I have ever made, albeit I do wish the weather in Manchester wasn't quite so wet! The many staff and user workshops we have held in the course of our work, bridging the divide between research and clinical practice.
Temped at PSSRU, got degree, got married, had children, worked, left & returned to PSSRU, went grey, had grandchildren, still working there.

Fantastic ten years working with amazing people on interesting projects (and thank God for Jane!)
How long have you got? There are many fond memories from almost every year, and I've been in PSSRU 39 years and counting. The huge pile of books on my desk awaiting my arrival on 4 Aug 1975 was about the same height as each of the piles of urgent tasks on my desks today. Workload has been heavy throughout the period, but the rewards and the fun along the way have been wonderful. I have many terabytes of fond memories to download one day ...
Learning about the first case management project – it inspired me as a team leader in the 1980s as we tried to emulate it and inspires me now as a researcher since the issue of delivering cordinated care to frail elders is still a challenge both ffor researchers and practitioners.
For me it's not about a particular (or even significant) memory, more about lots of small celebrations and a positive culture of supporting colleagues' personal, as well as academic achievements. That's why people stay – you are more than just a cog in a machine. That and the fact they never let you leave....
The happy, supportive, collaborative, and productive working environment at Manchester under David's leadership. Collaborating with colleagues was productive, easy and straighforward. Compared to some of the cutthroat places I've worked since, it really was a pleasure.
Joining a warm yet hardworking unit that immediately felt like home (work-wise!).
Sharing coffee, biscuits, and an occasional meal with people from around the world discussing important topics in English with a phenomenal range of accents, something much less common in America.
Being offered the job – I remember with enormous fondness (and some surprise)! My baptism of fire working strictly in syntax in SPSS with Andrew B – traumatic rather than fond but memorable nevertheless! Working for and among people who motivated me to work hard and learn. Bingo in Whitstable with the PSSRU (Kent) women! Finally, the fact that I always regretted the decision to leave PSSRU is a testament to my memories of working there.

Great colleagues, feel lucky to work with such talented and supportive people. If only they understood the concept of time off... :)

I absolutely love our staff meetings. Seeing everyone genuinely getting along with one another is great. Exemplifies our congenial work atmosphere.
A fabulous grounding in excellent research.
I've never worked anywhere as friendly and supportive